Insured Occupation:

Solar Panel Installation, Repairs, Servicing & Electrical Contractors & Energy Management Consultants

Period of Insurance: 26th November 2021 to 25th November 2023


Insurer: Convex @ Lloyds
Policy Number: LI2QY6VRE200
Limit of Indemnity: £10,000,000 – any one incident
Excess: Nil
Territorial Limits: Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man or Channel Islands.


Insurer: Convex @ Lloyds
Policy Number: LI2QY6VRE200
Limit of Indemnity: £5,000,000
Any one incident or series of incidents from the same event
Excess: £1,000 in respect of Third Party Property Damage.
Territorial Limits: Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man or Channel Islands.
Endorsements: Terrorism Exclusion
Hazardous Work Exclusion
Bona fide Sub-Contractors Insurance Clause
Indemnity to Principal Clause.
Heat Work on site (soldering only)
Working at Height Conditions
Working at Height Restriction (max 20 metres)


Period of Insurance: 19th April 2022 to 18th April 2023
Insurer: Aqueous Underwriting
Policy Number: 7030723
Limit of Indemnity: £250,000 (costs in addition)
Any one incident or series of incidents from the same event
Excess: £1,000 (costs exclusive) in respect of Third Party Property Damage.
Territorial Limits: Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man or Channel Islands.
Endorsements: Fire Combustibility Endorsement
Cyber and Data Protection Law Exclusion
